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With a focus on preparing students to be ready for college and careers, Broadalbin-Perth High School provides a rigorous academic program that includes plenty of support to help ensure each student’s individual success.

Faculty at BPHS encourage students to set their own learning targets so they can persevere on their own paths to graduation. To help each student determine his or her path, BPHS uses the college and career readiness platform Naviance. After students complete various assessments, Naviance maps out for them what they will need to do to reach their goals, including developing skills in such areas as homework completion, studying and goal setting.

Broadalbin-Perth strives to place each student in a program that aligns with his or her interests and strengths, even if such a program can only be found outside the district. Students can be matched with appropriate courses and programs through distance learning, HFM BOCES career and technical education offerings, and the Clean Technologies Early College High School at TEC-SMART in Malta.

BPHS offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses along with other opportunities to earn college credits from Fulton-Montgomery Community College. Students also can earn college credits through Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) and the University at Albany’s University in the High School (UHS) program. The high school counselors encourage all students to take at least one college course during their high school careers.

Teachers offer extra help in all subject areas after school Monday through Thursday, and a free tutoring program is available for students who need additional academic support. Regents review sessions also are offered regularly in advance of exams.