College Readiness Timeline
Looking for a road map to get you through high school and on to college? Look no further! The Broadalbin-Perth High School counselors have outlined each year of high school to help students and parents better prepare for life after graduation.
Keys to Success
- Attendance is important. Come to school every day and be on time. Only stay out sick when absolutely necessary and make up work promptly.
- Do all your homework on time. Zeros on homework assignments can really bring your average down fast!
- Stay after school with teachers when needed.
- See your school counselor for assistance in developing a high school plan for success.
School counselors work with English teachers to help students develop skills needed for success in high school, including study skills, organizational skills, communication skills, goal-setting skills, and social skills.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many colleges should I apply to?
We recommend at least six colleges including reach, target and safety schools. This list is compiled after much research and weighing pros and cons. Please see us if you are having trouble deciding where to apply.
By when do I need to apply?
All applications are due to the school counseling office before Thanksgiving break. We need at least two weeks’ notice to ensure that applications are out on time and completed correctly.
What do colleges look for in determining whether to accept an applicant?
This often depends on the college, but these are the most commonly used factors:
- Grade point average (GPA)
- Strength of curriculum
- ACT/SAT scores
- Class rank
- Recommendations
- Activities/awards
- Personal essay
- Interview